
September 30, 2013

An Adventure in Cloth Diapering: Resources

This is my extensive list of cloth diapers resources! 

Where to Start
Cloth Diapering 101 Videos
If you saw the first post of my cloth diapering mini-series, then you know already that I recommend watching all 8 Cloth Diapering 101 videos (I discuss it at the bottom under the 'Start Here' section). They are excellent in providing you with information on many different cloth diapering topics, from types of diapers to how many you'll need. 


My Cloth Diaper Pinterest board has a ton resources that I've compiled! From leaking, to DIY wool dryer balls to a list of CD (cloth diaper) safe diaper creams! (If you're not familiar with Pinterest, all you do to follow the link is click the picture, it'll bring you to the Pin, then click the picture again and it'll bring you to the specific pin site where you'll see all the details/instructions for that Pin!)

Where to Purchase cloth diapers & accessories online or in a store
Kelly's Closet *Best online place to purchase*
If you read my post on how to save $ as a stay at home mom, you know I love Kelly's Closet. They run coupons all the time to earn free diapers if your purchase meets a certain amount, you can earn points for the items you purchase and use those points for future items, you can try their cloth diapers risk free for 30 days (return them even used if not satisfied), and it's small family business! I love supporting mom-n-pop shops, especially ones that run great coupon deals :o)


Comparable to Kelly's Closet in that they sell everything cloth diaper related. They don't run coupons like Kelly's Closet, so I don't purchase from them. Lots of people I know do, and have had good experiences.
Buy Buy Baby *Best place to purchase in a store*
If you didn't read the section 'Building my Stash' from the first cloth diapering post, do so! I share in detail why I love BBB! If I want brand new diapers, I will make a trip to my local Buy Buy Baby (which is inside of a Bed Bath and Beyond) to take advantage of their $5 off of $15 purchase. Brand new BumGenius diapers for $13!

Will you save money?
Yes you can! Many cloth diapering mama's become VERY addicted and spend tons of money on a diaper stash of over 50+ diapers for just one baby, and accumulate a variety of accessories that they don't end up using. I must say I've gotten the bug and look at cloth swap groups on Facebook ALL the time, but my stash is under control at about 30 cloth diapers. Just make sure you don't go overboard.

If you watch Lesson #3 on Naturally Thrifty Mom's Cloth 101 diaper series, she explains in details the cost comparison between the different types of cloth diapers and disposables.

Also, Diaper Pin has an online calculator that adds in the cost of energy used for cloth diapering. To help save even more, when you're doing laundry, don't do a lot of little loads. Do one or two big loads since you'll use the same amount of energy to run a small load vs a large load.
Facebook Swaps, Chats and Compendiums
These groups are great to join to purchase second hand dipes and CD related accessories and ask questions. Make sure to read each groups rules and files so that you know how they want their group run.
Cloth Diaper Swap
Cloth Diaper Swap II
Cloth Diaper Chat (only for questions, no B/T/S (buying/trading/selling)
bumGenius B/T/S & Swap Group
Buy/Sell/Trade bumGenius
bumGenius Buy Sell Trade and Chat
Crunchy Mama B/S/T
The Cloth Diaper Asylum (They are a great group for debunking CD myths. Read all their files first! They have LOTS! Bleaching, washing, prepping new CDs etc.)
*I have many BumGenius links because I was looking for mainly BG 4.0s when I started my stash. I like other diapers too, like Fuzzibunz.

If I come across more CD resources, I'll be sure to add them to my Pinterest board, or if they're REALLY good, I'll add them here! :o) 

I hope this list of resources helps you out! The more fluffy butted babies out there, the better! :o)

Next up in my cloth diaper mini-series: Stash and Supplies!