How to Replace Bumgenius 4.0 Leg Elastic
When I
first started out cloth diapering, I tried to save money and purchase
diapers used. The diapers were in pretty good condition but one thing I didn't
really know to look at or think about was the elastic in the legs. A
lot of the diapers I purchased came with worn or loose elastic causing
the diaper to gap.
thimble (optional)
small safety pin
1/4" elastic cut into 4 1/2" strips (or purchase the Bumgenius refresher kits which comes with elastic and aplix)
and of course, the diaper
1. Turn diaper inside out
2. Chose a side to start on and locate the elastic.
3. Pull a little on the elastic to expose it.
4. Cut as close as you can to where the end of the elastic was sewn down.
5. Put the old elastic on the safety pin so it doesn't retract back into the diaper.
6. Hand stitch the new elastic end to the diaper on the seam as not to puncture the outer shell, either in front of the old elastic piece or after. Tie off with a knot.
7. Give the new elastic a little pull to test out the stitch strength.
8. Pin the unsewn end of the new elastic onto the safety pin. you will now have new elastic and old elastic on the pin.
9. Slide the pin through the elastic hole and pull it out the other end. The opening for the elastic will look the same as the one you started with.
10. Cut off the old elastic near the stitches and throw away. Take the new elastic off the pin and sew down, again either before or after the old elastic piece that's already on the seam.
Repeat with the other leg.
Can you notice the side that has the elastic replaced? It's the side on the right! It looks much tighter and ready to go.
Look how much better it looks after I finished both legs!
Check out some of my other cloth diaper posts:
Cloth Diaper Favorites
*Cloth Diapering mini-series*
-The Beginning
-Stash & Supplies
-How to Start
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